Love is More Needed than Food and Shelter

We used to think that having shelter and then food were the primary needs to live for a human. Teal Swan says that that is proven wrong because there have been instances where people were able to survive through starvation when they had love and purpose of life, the anticipation of love. And babies have died from malnourishment in orphanages where they had food and shelter, but lacked emotional care and bond with another human. Therefore, we can conclude that love and belonging is more important than food and shelter for a human to live. People kill themselves because of feeling unloved too, so obviously having food needs met were not sufficient. This made me think that we need to focus on meeting love and care needs met for our children way before physical needs. That means when it comes to having to chose one over the other, loving care should come first. Unfortunately, so many parents pick physical care wayy before emotional needs with their children, even when there is no ultimatum. Their children grow up addicted to physical pleasure before emotional safety, and that is why they are so unhappy- because they were never taught that emotional love is the most important. So they do not even know why they are unhappy, just that something is nagging and them and making them miserable.

Love is the most important, and I wish the world would finally admit that and stop hiding behind physical care and just come out and say we are all missing connection. 


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