The Eclipse and Strange Times, Feeling more Connection
What the hell is happening in the world? I keep hearing how we are in a transitioning stage, and great shifts are happening. The world is preparing for truth to happen. People are becoming more awakened and conscious, about what life is really about. Victor Oddo on YouTube how since the Eclipse, people have been feeling really low and down. I agree, I have been having a very tumultuous past few weeks, and I feel this great need to DO things more to change in my life. I was on the phone with a costumer service rep, and he even seemed more cheerful and human than the other times I have spoken to some. It struck me that people can be so insecure with others, that even strangers whom they do not know or see can trigger them to feel rejected or unliked. I tried my best to seem happy and confident so as not to trigger or upset his mood, as well as tell myself that I was confident and happy to speak with another human being.
I really do wonder if people are struggling more now than ever. I am awakening more to the fact that other people have hard lives too, and it pains me to be aware of their struggles. We are all connected, I heard from spiritual teachers, and therefore what affects one of us affects the rest. This is what it means to be a human being. If I think about this, my pain and sorrow for the conditions of others really hurts, and I cannot think about them for too long or I will get depressed. I guess it is a good thing that we have the ability to forget, because we need it to live for ourselves and take care of responsibilities in the moment. But life is hitting me with sorrow and desire to be more empathetic and caring towards other humans.
I really do wonder if people are struggling more now than ever. I am awakening more to the fact that other people have hard lives too, and it pains me to be aware of their struggles. We are all connected, I heard from spiritual teachers, and therefore what affects one of us affects the rest. This is what it means to be a human being. If I think about this, my pain and sorrow for the conditions of others really hurts, and I cannot think about them for too long or I will get depressed. I guess it is a good thing that we have the ability to forget, because we need it to live for ourselves and take care of responsibilities in the moment. But life is hitting me with sorrow and desire to be more empathetic and caring towards other humans.
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