Bond With Our Children is Integral

Mother and child's bond is integral to a child's growth as a healthy human being I am sure of it. If the bond is broken in any way there is trauma. It is physically unnatural, and no spiritual teaching will justify and make it any better. We are in this world to live with out physical bodies, not to transcend human feeling. Only with human emotions can we reach our G-d, we are not angels and were never intended to be.

I wrote an article on Facebook about it, and my adoption trauma. A Rabbi backed me as I explained my story and the flaws of my community. Of course, not giving out any names because it would be emotional murder and hurt to my family. But he still showed me it was important, and that my place on this world is important. I am beyond happy.

I saw it today, how much my daughter looked up to me. When in the park I ignored her to focus on my phone, she was miserable and did not feel like doing anything. The minute I went to her and hugged her and played with her, a spark returned in her eyes and she was open and happy. She repeated the words I said absentmindedly, not moving without me. She followed us and smiled when I smiled. Everyone noticed it. She needs me, whether it is obvious or not. You could justify it by saying she was tired or bored, but I know it was because of me.


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