Only Being Around People Who Help You Energetically

Lisa Romano said in her video, #1 Thing to AVOID when talking to a NARCISSIST or NEGATIVE Person, that rational people think that everyone else is rational thinking too, and do not realize that there exists people who want to take their energy by having an agenda. These narcissistic or negative people are like a black hole, she says, and the worst thing you can do is try to get them to see your opinion because they are OUT to only have their side heard. I have encountered such people, and it feels like talking to a brick wall. They are selfish and think the world revolves around them. People who are rational are those who are living to lift the world up, and taking responsibility for generating their own energy. Because we each have a certain amount of energy we can generate each day, it would be useless to spend it on people who do not care about what you have to say, she says. She said the more you pay attention to your feelings, the more you will know who is not there for you and who is. And you will be able to make boundaries to protect yourself and your energy, taking care of your child inside like a devine mother and father energy. I so agree, and I was able to do this yesterday. Instead of letting my daughter be outside near the neighbors whom I feel do not support me, and talking to them, I walked passed them and brought my daughter in, even though she was protesting. I felt my energy preservation was more important.

I feel it when I am giving my energy to people for free nowadays. I avoid situations more, and pay attention to how I feel. I saw Joe Soll was able to see into me and make me feel like I matter, and I want that feeling more and to be able to do the same for others. I feel dread and anxiety when around people who do not match my energy, and then my mood drops instantly. I feel energized by other people, and am excited about meeting them because I know it will make me feel alive.


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