Making Mistakes Doesn't have to Ruin your Life

        We all have desires and interests which take over us sometimes. It is important to know that sometimes it is not good for us to be too invested in something. How can we know when something is good, and okay to be passionate about, and when we need to cool down and stop a passion? Or when we are not being passionate enough about something, how can we know when we should push ourselves to continue doing it?

          These are things I have been struggling a lot with recently, as well as all my life. I get excited and proud of myself about something, and think this gives me the means to celebrate myself and relax. But then I fall on my face because I realize how I could have done better or it wasn't that great after all.

         Adoptees have a hard time with recognizing a true self, because we prone to be very hard on ourselves. we lived with self-blame all our lives subconsciously for our mothers leaving us as babies, therefore thinking we are never in control of what happens to us and therefore thinking we have no impact on our lives. When we make mistakes, we then reinforce that idea, and "give up" on ourselves. You hear that a lot, that adoptees want to "give up" on themselves. Nancy Verrier explains in her book Coming Home to Self that adoptees have this inner shame that causes them to feel like giving up, and it is so interesting because they were "given up on" in their early life.

          We tend to forget that G-d is always there for us and encourages us. We think we are bad inherently because of our choices we made in the past. But each person has a chance to be so great, just by doing small steps towards achieving goals. A house is build step by step, it seems like boards and boxes when it is started, but then a year later you see a beautiful house.

          Same with our lives. Every deed, every kindness has an impact on our kids and our own memories. As Ralph Smart says in How to Use the Law of Attraction to Acquire What you Desire today, that every time you imagine yourself in abundance of something you want, you will be able to get it.

      So believe in yourself more, and you can accomplish a lot by just taking the small steps. They are not nothing, they are important to manifest your will and goals. See what you want in the end, and work towards that, Don't just focus on your own pleasures and desires of the moment. See how you truly want to live, what you want for yourself. When we believe in ourselves and are not acting from a negative false self, as Pete Gerlach talks about, we can be happy. Acting from your true self means you are calm, resilient, and at peace.

       An Adoptee Heart



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