A Small Vessel Cannot Handle Blessing Bestowed to It

         A child's vessel can only hold so much so when they are screamed at they won't understand why and it'll affect their self esteem. What goes in must come out as Lisa Romano says. They are soo fragile that anything said to them hits them harder than their mature adult counterparts. 

             Interesting knowledge that lead me to another observation. It is said that G-d can only give us what we are able to take in. The blessing is waiting to be bestowed- we only have to OPEN OUR EYES to take it. What does this mean? Many of us have been taught to believe we don't deserve, or are not worthy, or love. We will be the devils beating ourselves up inside no matter what good or compliments come our way. Against common belief, it is NOT others who hold the key to our self-knowledge. What we know and believe about ourselves lay in OUR HANDS!! So if you have a very wavy, shaken belief about your greatness or worthiness, you will get DESTROYED IN THIS WORLD BY THE OUTSIDE WHO WANT YOU DEAD AND TO DRINK YOUR BLOOD. They laugh and mock every ounce of good you display and shut down any hope you have for soul-love. Which means doing what your true inner soul desires for you. It is deep deep down in all of us, like a beaming blinding light that wants GREATNESS AND INFINITE LOVE. But we can serve it and be true to it and project it outward if. We. Love. It. And that'll only happen if it is encouraged and let to be seen and shone when we were little.

         That's why kids are so pure. They are closer to having just been created, so their light is sparkling squeaky clean. Slowly, hurt upon hurt tarnishes it's shine and it cries until it is snuffed away. But it's still there, waiting, oh waiting, to be seen and broken free from the shackles of hate and venomous pride. We have to tell it that it is okay to be seen, it will never be snuffed again, we will take care of it. 

         Of course, this needs to be sincere because all it can resonate with is truth. It is smarter than anyone knows, and if it does not feel safe it'll shut itself down again. A person has to be clever and know how to get to their soul to lift it up. 

          So when a person brings their inner soul up, they will be able to take what is bestowed to them, and know they deserve it. It takes a ton of work, and breaking of the egoistic defenses, cracking hardened cement of pain, guilt, shame, lust, anger, or whatever desires that block it for that particular person.

            But once you do, you will see that it was all yours all along to take.


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