Spiritual Bypassing and Will Guiding the Intellect

            Everyone wants to be great. The ego fights you with that in that the minute you do something, you automatically jump to being proud of your accomplishment. But we can get so wrapped up in it, that we fall when it does not last. Because it does not happen over night. Baby steps need to be taken. Slowly, year after year of working towards something, you can achieve it.

         Our intellect gets in the way of greatness. Because we can tell ourselves that we will never be able to do something and give up. But the WILL influences the intellect to work with him, and the true thing he desires will manifest, over the intellect. This is why will is all a person needs.

        It's funny, as I was walking down the street I realized something. I only judge people based on how I feel about myself. So whenever I saw people who looked great, I doubted it because I did not feel great. Now that I know what it feels like to want to accomplish, and am no longer scared of trusting myself, I see others in a better light too. It is true that how you see others is how you see yourself ultimately. And it is why some people never see other's good. It goes back to how when people are fractured and fragmented from their upbringing, they cannot feel able to accomplish anything, and their will is broken, No matter what, they never trust in themselves to believe they can accomplish dreams.

       Truly, they are living from ego, needing to prove their greatness to themselves. Because they feel so small, like a child looking up to EVERYONE as if they are higher. It is sad when grownups still feel the need to prove themselves to others their age, or even younger. I see that my baby daughter sees me as so high, and looks up to me so much. It scares me because I want her to know that I am not that high, so that she should not feel so hurt by my mistreatment. This is why Marion Rose's idea of Power Reversal Play with babies works so well, because they feel more empowered and it takes away the intimidation of their elders being so high and in charge of their fates. Its healthy for a child to be able to see that his parent admits to their fallibility.

          Melania Tonia Evans says that flying monkeys are people who are wounded from childhood, too, and not to be so harsh with them because they will grow too eventually. That is what keeps you able to focus on working on your own self and letting go of your pain that attracts you to these mistreatment of your soul. Once you let go of trying to prove to them who the narcissist is, they may come running back to your side ad wake up for themselves.



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