This world feels like Hell in Our Soul

This world is hell for us old souls, or Avatars of Resolution as Abby Miller of Worldwide Self Hypnosis calls us. We know so deeply and have always known that the world was messed up, we grew up feeling the worst pain.

For example, I grew up being conditioned to think that I was the bad kid, always deserved to be punished by grownups around me. There was not one grownup that I trusted, because my parents left my emotional body to the dust. I cried and cried to myself, but eventually gave up on myself just like I saw was done by them. Or I locked away the validity of my feelings and began to see them as false; I became my worst enemy. And everywhere I look now, I see the same thing happening- people rejecting my feelings as valid. I manifested it with my subconscious beliefs, though, that I was unworthy. 

It's crazy. Even the complainers of this situation are shut down. They are "mentally ill" and "depressed". This world just does not give the crushed ones a rest. The DEVILS in us crush our spirits again and again. Those who want life are choking, gasping, and dying for breathe. But we are shunned and mocked by the proud, arrogant false selves of the world. The ones who reflect this monster that is in us. That was created by our very own defenses that was needed to survive this world. To go on living, but barely breathing. Snuffing out our true wills.

We want to rise because we know that is the only way we'll have peace, but the thoughts and created devils in us mock us, scoffing that we are arrogant when we want to be seen, lazy when we just don't have will to do good, evil when we cannot take other's criticism of us and shut them out. It's endless, and the veil covers the truth of beauty. 

That we were always worthy. We were always loved. We can never be pushed away. Our spirits are good. It is just the outside beliefs that we are bad that cover this knowing. The abuse and unconscious people who made us so believe that we were bad, because they themselves felt lile they could never be good enough. 

All a child needs is the knowledge that nothing they can do will take the parent's love and appreciation of them away. This is all they need. And they will be resilient to ANYTHING life throws at them to tackle. Those who do not see this, because they are brought up with unconscious parents who do not trust their spirit, and paint the world as a dog-eats-dog picture, and nothing but perfection is acceptable, will grow with inner shame that eats at their flesh until it covers them like a cancer. And the cure for it destroys them in the process, because it is everything they believe to be deadly. That is, loving themselves and feeling good about themselves. Because the one time they did it was destroyed in a hot flash by burning rejection. So they are terrified of going there, because of the negative association with it that implies they will die again. Emotionally die. They are too vulnerable to trust, they do not have the inner strength to hold anything true.


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