Giving Fully for the Other Person makes You Love Them More

            When you are giving to someone not from your ego, it makes a relationship good because you are not only seeing yourself. I see this with my daughter, that when I am giving to her for HER ONLY, and not because of my ego needs, it makes me love her more. Ralph Smart says in his video about when you should drop everything for the person, that if you find yourself giving without your ego involved this is the relationship for you. It shows that you care about the person for their own sake, and not only because you are gaining from them. 

         I realized this with my birth father yesterday, that we were both invested in one another and not just talking to gain something for ourselves. I try to do this with my daughter more, and I see that when I am in my ego I cannot see her clearly, I am only seeing what I feel, and it prevents me from being there for her fully. I see that she needs me to be there for her because she does not have a full self esteem, and the fact that she can't do anything alone makes her feel dependent on me and needy. The more I can show her that it's okay to need me, that I love to be there for her, the more she will be confident with who she is, and not feel ashamed for her needs. 


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