Asking Your Higher Self What Is Good For You

Self Love- The Great Shortcut To Enlightenment. Teal Swan. Ask yourself what would someone who loves themselves do now. Your true higher self knows. Such as when you have many things to do, what would really be the best for you. It may not make you happy now, but it will in the long run. It may be something you are in resistance to. But the higher self is always calm, even when it's idea is hard and scary. The scared or anxious emotions that come with it may be your resistance to it. But deep down we all know what it is that's good for us. This is a very hard process to go through, but the easiest way to have self-love. And it really works. Just ask yourself every day, what would someone who loves themselves do in my place.

I practiced it this morning. As I ate my half-a-cup of healthy oatmeal, the serving size, I asked myself what I do if I love myself. A part of me was reaching for a piece of cake, but I knew I would be happier putting my baby to sleep so we can have a productive, on scheduled day, and that I was working on only eating my full. As I put away the dishes, a sense of peace came over me and I knew it was right. And one thing leads to another, so I was already having good thoughts of starting some business plan that I was thinking of in my head. We just know when thoughts are serving us and which ones distract from our goals.


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