HSPs and Sensing In-congruence

            I was listening to a wonderful YouTube video about Highly Sensitive People and self care, called HIGHLY SENSITIVE PEOPLE (in relationships) & the Subconscious by Candace van Dell. It really inspired me in how I can have better boundaries with people whom I sense are not being truthful. She said that us HSPs can sense into someone's energy when they are saying something untruthful, and it may even be from their subconscious and they are not aware of it. This is so relevant in my life, because many times I have that feeling, that people are being untruthful to their integrity, and I feel like my hands are tied because either they won't listen or deny it, or I fear it would hurt them if I said anything. So she says that a way to assert yourself when you sense this is to say something such as, "Is it possible that you are incorrect in what you said?" And this way, the person may be open to discussion about it.

          I feel many times that I am unable to say what I really think, even about my husband, because I do not want him to either get defensive or hurt. So I keep in a lot of my thoughts, and have this undercurrent feeling that something is not right.

            I realized from our fight last night that my husband has a lot of his own trauma vortex that he grapples with, and may not even be aware of it. We resolved to listen to people who help deal with complex post traumatic stress disorder, such as Richard Grannon who talks about it. I just heard a video by him today called "HELP! I'm having a meltdown!" 6 steps to Eradicate Flashbacks in ptsd/cptsd, and he says that cptsd is where a person goees through ongoing abuse, and feels they cannot get out of it, and it has overlapping symptoms with ptsd that soldiers or people who witness violence in war go through. He says that when they have meltdowns, it is caused by memory of an abuse that they had gone through.


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