Ignorant People Who Don't Understand Adoptees Made My Blood Boil

         I think people who deny the existence of trauma in adoption are ignorant. They are usually random people who don't think much about things, and only see their own opinions. They say things in response to hearing someone was adopted like, "Don't you feel lucky? Someone wanted you!" It makes my head spin how one-sided that statement is. Like, what about the deep scars that the person has from being unwanted and rejected in the beginning? Or, "At least they had a good childhood, compared to growing up in your biological dysfunctional families, they are the lucky ones." Again, it discredits the wound of adoption in the first place. Why do people only see things from their own little perspectives??

           I think this is a major part of what further traumatizes adoptees, the fact that they don't know that it is okay to feel trauma from their past. Since most of society is ignorant of their plight, that being of feeling lost about their identity, they have no right socially to explore their feelings and psychology. This is what damages so many of us adoptees.


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