Get Busy Living Or Dying

             I really appreciate what Mark Smith said in Family Tree Brand Life Coaches, in 7 Ways To Get Busy Living Instead of Getting Busy Dying, about how in recovery from C-PTSD we have our ups and down days but the main thing is to keep trying. Because every day you work towards recovery and self-care, you are working towards living, and every down day, you are doing the opposite. I really agree and see this is my own life. How when I am not working on recovery and positive manifestation, in my thoughts and actions, I am going down. Dowwwwwn. It is refreshing to hear from the expert on recovery from this that it is a reality in the journey. He also said that you will have days where you defeat the flying monkeys and can truly manifest yourself, and assert yourself in life. This is my dream, and I see it happening slowly. I no longer care what the naysayers think. I don't let them get to me as much. And I see them falling on their knees to gain my approval, and I laugh sadly. But there is still tons of work to so, so I don't have time to deal with them. I can't save them they need to do that themselves. I need strong people around me, to learn from.


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