How We Feel Inside is all that Matters

           It's obvious that the world doesn't decide how much of a good or bad person we are, because very skilled liars can fool anyone/everyone. Therefore, what WE feel about Ourselves is all that matters.

          Outer admiration can never fulfill us if we are not embodying that feeling in us. He who is rich is happy with Himself.

           This is also obvious to me because my daughter has her own reality that exists, despite how I feel. She feels she loves me, because I gave her life, DESPITE if I feel she does not love me. So My reality is true to ME and affects ME, but she still sees me in a different way. Now, if I went ahead with that belief I have and neglect her because I feel I do NOT make a difference to her, it'll hurt her very much. Because it'll shun her reality of loving and expecting my care/ nurture. So MY LIFE IS UP TO ME! How awesome is that?

         Good and Evil are all a choice that a person can take.

        Come on, people, where are your comments? ;p Jk it's okay. enjoy. Or don't. It's up to you.

         Once we see our own feelings as a separate entity from other's feelings, we can be more objective and a better helper at discerning what their best actions to take are. Because we are not biased by our own wishes of how they should act/ feel. Codependents disown their feelings of low-self worth because it is too shameful to them, and therefore cannot stand when other's appear meek and pandering to them. I admit to feeling this way at times, and it is horribly sad and awkward after I finished screaming at the person in irritation (Yes, Husband, that's you there). When I am more honest, I see that the self-righteous "reason" I had for getting angry with him- that he is ruining our energy field by being meek and un-confident and unauthentic- is all emanating from my own very damaged and beautifully imperfect self. (Yes, it is hard to live with me, I acknowledge that. Keep going, Husband, you can do this! I validate your pain and sweat). Lol who knew, that perhaps the reason the women get so much credit in the home, according to G-d, is because they abuse their husbands covertly and have to live with the guilt of his deep scars that nobody validates cuz the wife seem so angelic, even to him? Or is that yet another covert way I am putting myself down? No one knows. Let me try to see that more objectively. Just joking around.



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