I am Creating With My Mind

           I am only learning now that the actions I take in life is solely because of me. I am a creator. We were listening to a YouTube video last night that popped up in my feed called One Of The Most Motivational Videos You'll Ever See [Warning- Belief Changer] by Video Advice. It was awesome, and he said that the greatest thing to understand is that every thought you have, every feeling you experience, makes up your life. So the best thing to do is to make sure you have good thoughts, because they create your reality. People prove this by talking about how it happened to them. How one wrote himself a check for millions of dollars and kept it in his pocket, and later he received it from work!

          I am noticing now that everything is more in my control, as apposed to things happening around me that I cannot control. This was the mindset I was brought up with, being adopted and feeling like I didn't count. I was severely codependent all my life, and thought success was for "other people" and never in my reach. I followed everything I read like a leech, and thought it all had to be truthful because it was written. I went flopping from one magazine and writing to another, unsure of how I was ever going to finally make it. I wanted to eat all the delicious, processed food, and buy all the expensive fancy clothes. I thought since I didn't have the money for it, I was unworthy and not good. I had no confidence in myself and my story. I thought I was terrible because all the outward voices told me to be grateful and happy, and since I was not I was off.

           I realized last night that I was right in my emotions all along, when I saw that my father did love me. He had something missing in him too, from losing me. I had a narcissistic selfishness and neediness, and that was OKAY for me because it made sense to feel bad due to my situation. I have more compassion and understanding of the HEART IN ME.

           All those people and things that convinced me not to look inside at myself, and love it for what it was, were wrong. I very much need to do that. I need to listen to my inner voice. I started to a bit, and I feel much better already. It brings me joy and confidence and I no longer want or feel the need to follow every notion from the outer world that I "need" something. Such as a bakery smell, or a dirty floor that needs washing. It is important to study my own desires and feelings at the moment. And work towards happiness. Everything will fall into place. I need to de-stress my mind first. Living with stress can only create negative results. I saw on Instagram- "Whatever you feed your mind today will become who you are tomorrow."


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