Letting A Baby Be Themselves for Connection with Them

       I've been thinking about how you shouldn't tell babies how to do things, or how what they're doing isn't the right way to do it. I read about that on the aware parenting Facebook group. I need to let my daughter do things her own way. This encourages her to be confident. The other way makes babies feel not good about themselves. A mother said that she has this urge to correct her kid, and it comes from having had that happen to get as a kid. Same here, and I realized that I try to correct or tell my daughter how to play with things and it takes her own self out of the play. She is at her own level and personality and I need to accept that. It'll help us be close and attune with each other.

        It's the opposite of enmeshment, because it is not expecting something of the kid that is not her. It is about accepting who she is and flowing with that. It is true love.


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