On Knowing Yourself

      I am waiting for the time that I will be able to see myself clearly and know love for myself in good and bad times. Know my thoughts and conquer my negative ones. Understand where they come from and who I really am. This is why we need to know and hold onto what happened to us- to understand what it made us become. Because everything you go through especially as a child has an effect. And only once we know what happened to us can we see who we truly are, despite the negative ramifications. Because we can separate our learned behavior from our true selves. And feel love and light like the innocent child we once were. Unaffected by negative built-up repression. I believe I am very strong for having faced a lot of my trauma. And as I do, life gets lighter and happier. Until the next hurdle. I keep fighting. Each day builds upon another, and the improvements I make become ingrained in me, without me consciously seeing it until I notice how the old battles are a little easier. Life is not easy.

        Mark Smith of Family Tree Counseling said that Jerry Wise says when you are not enmeshed, you are able to be your own person and feel confident putting up boundaries with unhealthy people. You do so without reactivity.


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