Self-Love Makes Decision-making Easy

          When we are more confident about ourselves we know what we want easier than when we don't feel good about ourselves. We can point the way we want to go easily. Without questioning our every move. Such as, should I go to sleep now, or help my husband by cleaning the kitchen or putting things away? Codependent mindsets say to always do do do, while the true self does things with love and knows when to give to self to slow down. Recognizes the feelings and why they're there, and how to help them.

         I steer myself better when more self-loving, and hear my emotions. When I panic, I see clearly why and sit with myself. Codependents are so disconnected from their emotions and bodies that they traumatize themselves over and over in order to be what they think they have to. It's all about how you feel when you do something. If it's negative, it's codependent. If positive, it's True self.

        I lived with joy because I cleaned my house, and let myself go in play. I sang and laughed with my daughter and never felt better. Those actions were good for me to take, because I was doing important housework chores to make the house more pleasant to live in, and feeling good about doing the right thing.


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