The Damage Done to Spoiled Children ignoring their selves
My heart really goes out to all the kids whos' parents spoil them and give them all they would want. I see that this doesn't allow them to feel able to do things, and reduces them to a mere animal in capability of functioning. They start to believe themselves as deserving Every thing handed to them, and lose sense of capabilities to develop their skills. It reduces them to be just another version of everyone else, and that they need to over work themselves to matter in a specific way. My heart breaks in two when I see and witness spoiled children and their mothers really paying them attention for their uniqueness, and just using them for attention and over-emphasizing their looks. They also keep offering them treats because they think that will make them happy. This is because people see others only on the level they are able to see themselves, and therefore they cannot see a child's truth. The same way they need to run after materialism over turning to the true matters in life, which is developing character and morals, they think their child needs that. And the poor kid is left with no help for their spiritual side, and nourishment for their soul.
I saw that this is what happened to me, because I see how my mother treats me now still, avoiding topics of feelings and sadness and jumping from one physical matter to the next, as if trying to avoid painful things. She is so insecure about herself and gets very touchy if I elude to one thing about her behavior. She is insecure in the restaurant and laughs nervously when the waiter makes a mistake. And she said, "it's just a plain bread sandwich?" Like a child to me, and I felt very awkward as I explained the menu choice as if I was talking to someone mentally insufficient. She is in such an act that she doesn't even admit it to her self. I don't know why I still hang on to her. I guess I pity her. Though she caused me to feel so small in the day. I hated how she pulled away the bread basket from my baby for fear of her dropping it. That caused insecurity in my baby's development. Next time I will refuse her outing invite. We are not best buddies in the least sense. She is insecure and needs other's validation and I am my own person.
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