We Can't Worry All About Others That We Neglect Ourselves In This Flooded Universe

           So I realized something important. I used to always be worried about people not liking what I said or did, and constantly stressed about everything and decision I did and made. Now that I am more in alignment with mySELF inside, I stop looking so outward for every feedback. I trust in me, and the important thing that made me realize was that I cannot please everyone. And I know that's an old cliche. But it clicked into place in my mind; I understand it tangibly. By seeing it happen. I can only be me, and cannot control others. All I can control is myself. So I live for ME. And am no longer ashamed to, it is like my own perception and feeling expanded to larger than life. And it feels so good to KNOW myself better. And respect myself more. I am no longer "other-centered." Not a meek, quiet human. Don't hold others responsible for my state of being. And it feels soo good.

           For example, I used to literally not wear an outfit I wanted to, or post a picture I liked on social media, because I worried how it seemed. And how others would take it. Now I am chilled out about it, and question myself if I really want to do that or not. What level I am on is my problem, and of course I have to care about how I affect others, but I have to also do things that reflect MY inside. Otherwise, people will be able to tell it is fake and I won't feel good about myself either. So keep growing, but don't forget who you are inside. Things will work their ways out on their own. Whoever is meant to be in my life will join me without hard effort, and those who don't resonate- that is their business, not mine. What you think of me is none of my business. 

         And we all get drawn to the things that resonate with us anyway. So everyone is responsible for their own journey and path. Love and light.

       This goes for my relationship with my daughter, too. I can't fix her emotions unless I focus on myself. That means focusing on what resonates with me and what doesn't. So today, I was having a harder time with her in the morning, and a lot of outside pressure. It just did not resonate with me to keep helping her calm herself. I was feeling very antsy myself inside. So I went out for breathers, and then came back. It made much difference for me in being able to calm her. 


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