Children Moving From Mother's Safe Base To Father's Outer World

             I see that my daughter comes to me for her sense of self, and my husband can be the one to guide her out into the world from my base. He gets her out of herself, and to experience new thing. While I am more into her inner state, he plays with her in the outer world. Such as by throwing her up and showing her a new toy. I am grateful for him. I wonder if that is the same idea with me, in that my child self needs to be loved and cared for in her feelings, but also needs to slowly meet others and get out in the world to see how things work. I experience it when I go out, that I am missing so much by being in my own emotional life. Such as how objective and vast people can be. And how there are so many things to do. I am meeting my brother soon, and I look forward to hearing his side of life and enjoying the outside air.


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