Enmeshment With My Hub Family

           John Bradshaw said in Codependency Part 1, that dysfunctional families do not let you be your own person and cause you guilt for wanted to be yourself. They say, I am getting old and won't be around much longer so you should come see me... They also tend to not let you be greater than them, which is why it takes some people until their parents DIE to be successful. This angers me very much.

         My husband's family does not let him separate from them. They tell him how awful I am being, and nag him about what he will do about me not talking to them. They guilt him constantly. He needs to divorce them for me already. I am sick of everything. How can people be so unaware of how they are acting?

        Just because him mother had surgery, she expects me and my husband to come pander to her. That is what they say, take care of me. It is not about us, it is about THEIR needs. His father says I have no right to not talk to them, because HE didn't stop talking to HIS in-laws until 20 years later despite his annoyance at them. He was just too scared too because his wife is attached at hip to them. He resented his parents, but never left their home. We do NOT have to behave the way he does.


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