Hell Is Hating Yourself

         I'm sick of the disconnect. I look everyone in the eye in the street when I pass them, no longer intimidated of their appearance. I look at them and relate in my eyes how I truly feel, because our energies are touching anyways so what is the point of being fake? I am my true feelings on the outside and it makes me feel authentic. And not gas-lighting to myself as I used to feel. When I hid my feelings out of the shame of them.

          Lisa Romano said herself on the Facebook group, hell is when you do not accept yourself. When you argue with your feelings and do not let them be. When you are disconnected from yourself. When you hate yourself. Your feelings. It causes anguish and that is the hell on earth. Heaven is peace and ease with yourself, and trust in yourself.

         Whenever people disrespect me, I let them go. To me it is my truth, because it is my personal boundary. Right now I can only be with people who respect me. I am too fragile and new to face opposition of my feelings, from adults or seemingly higher status people especially. Like my husband's parents. How they gas-light and accuse us and manipulate us to talk to them or they will withhold money from us. When they disrespect us in the first place. I cannot handle them. I will cut them out for now.


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