Spirituality Is When You Can See Another's World Untainted By Your Problems

         I really believe that true spirituality is about people being able to share in their individual experience and live in harmony together without ego and judgement. We are all working towards that in life- the ability to see beyond the individual ego. Stop holding onto our defenses so much and let ourselves shine. This happens when people are vulnerable and true to themselves. Life is not about materialism it is about the soul. It's about kindness and love towards everyone. This compassion can only come when people let go of their hurts and open towards giving humans another chance. But mainly having boundaries with the self and knowing who to trust. Self love is foremost, and it can only come when there is a healthy ego. If the ego was violated and damaged it needs to be repaired through self love and nurture. Be selfish if needed, just find yourself and peace and inner love and happiness. Yay.

        I sent a video to Ollie Mathews of me talking about my issues, and my sharing made things better. He reflected me and showed me the way I was. He said I looked like I needed to break out of something, and that I looked so sad for someone so young that it made him sad to see me sad. It strengthened me and renewed confidence in my self-worth. I saw that I was being hard on myself, as I did all my life, and that I placed too much of my energy on others that were harming me such as my in-laws. He said it's a crazy enmeshment in my community. I agree. He values my intuition and I see how it was true too. How we feel is most important in our lives, and no one but us can help us. And when we see that we are great, we can do anything and do what our hearts want. I see that conscious thinking effects everything in my life. This is what Ralph Smart said yesterday in his video of How To Manifest Money. He said if you find what you love and do it before you eat breakfast, you can make it important and grow in your life until it becomes a profit and easy. I love this idea because I now know I can be happy as I create, too, and not just see working as a chore. 

         People who are stuck and in ego believe that they have to work so hard and can never get what they want. They see the world negatively, and cannot see the good in anyone. Disconnected from imagination and wonder, they live in the logical world and shun their emotion. Children can see things with endless possibilities and things seem endless for them. They are free. I love to live in my child mind and let myself flow. It brings me happiness and makes life so easy and rewarding because I see it's beauty. It's on and off, but I am coming to see how negativity and challenges I encounter make me grow as I overcome them with my sweat and tears. Until they do not bother me anymore, and I feel accomplishment and pride for seeing how I overcame them.

        Like yesterday when my husband angered me because of his anger at his father's abuse of us that he couldn't stick up for me. I was soo hurt and felt violated so naturally I had anger. I left him in a huff to go home, and I thought about how I felt and how violated my ego was feeling. I nurtured it by brisk walking and then crying bitterly in the bathroom stall. I gathered myself up and bought myself a treat and walked a far way home. I began to feel a fluttery sense of freedom as I disentangled myself from the incident, and saw how I was not at fault. I saw my innocence, and how I was hurt by how my father-in-law saw the fault in me and I did not have to accept it. I got home relieved and set out to further protect my personal boundaries by letting my husband know that I would not accept their notions that I was bad. He came to my side and we banded together and put up a wall against his father's abuse.

    Fly, bird and do what makes your heart sing. Do what makes you unshackled by negativity. Do what you need to be able to accept others unconditionally, because you accept yourself in all your glory. If that means letting a person go for a while, don't feel guilty and cut the umbilical cord. Set yourself free.


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