Things Are Good

               Thank G-d I do see that things are getting better. It is easier for me to eat my breakfast without the sugars, and to not snack. I just saw this today by being more conscious of what my day would pan out like. I want it to go well and be in an up mood instead of lack. I talked to my birth father yesterday, and heard that he wanted to talk to me, too, and it made me happy.  We filled each other in on random details of our lives, like what our school years were like, and our mothers etc. He told me his boss said I looked like him and my birth Mom, and that was great to hear. We spoke in length about the last time we saw each other, and for me it was like bringing up unclear, hidden memories that I barely remembered. He said the last we saw you and your brother was when your parents brought you and said you were moving, and we had no idea when we'd ever see you again. I didn't remember. He said my brother would come around, and the main thing he focused on was that he was doing well.

           My daughter made me so happy yesterday when I was trying to bathe her and she ran away from me and I pretended to chase her, because I read that they like games like that, and she laughed and laughed happily that I was coming after her. When I finally got her, she refused to go in and I let it go, wanting her to feel she had some power left. I want her to be herself, and not ignore her emotions. I think with myself, too I have to listen to my emotions and feel them, but also treat them well that if I get really sad I can comfort myself by letting myself have a treat.


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