Children Need Love

          A baby is so innocent. So small and needy. Cannot do anything by herself. Relies on parents for everything in life to live. How can I expect her not to feel rejected when I ignore her? When I focus on myself only. She's a baby. Can barely say words. Just sounds them out after me when she hears some particular ones. Like peace, bus, and pennn. She sounds so cute and sweet, expounding on the letters curiously. But it only makes sense that she can get hurt and broken when I seem to not care about her. She takes more time to settle down after we go out to busy places. She jumps around nervously and pushes away. She runs to me possessively while I'm busy, not caring that I am occupied. It boggles my mind how we can think that yelling at a child or punishing them cruelly will not affect them. Because a bond is crucial to a child, and without it he will stagnate, hindering development. Emotions drive a person, and when cut short they will be floating by other's strings. Not living for themselves, because it is too painful to be rejected for the self once again.

        We need to teach our children right and wrong with love, that is the only way it will sink in. Force will make it fake and out of dominance, which will be seen through when the kid grows up and sees that we are not so powerful after all. Chose love, it is the only way to go. Not easy because it requires the full you, to engage fully. 

         I am finding my pieces slowly. I lost them in my childhood. Such as my ability to love, to feel anger, to feel pain. I try to look at and weed out my feelings daily so that I do not throw them at my daughter. I want her to feel unconditionally loved. 


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