Living Presently Taught By My Baby

          I was watching my daughter and wondering if she felt small compared to the adults always around her, and I saw that she was happy in her own life and did not worry about others. That only comes with shame and disappointment in the self. She does not need me to tell her everything constantly, she learns on her own and I can be present and watch her in order to be myself around her. She taught me something invaluable and that is that living in the present is the best feeling. Not worrying about past or future. I used to think this was impossible, because I was wrapped up in what I had to do and where I'd been, and guilty for not working enough, but I realized that living in the now makes life easier and I don't have to push myself so much and everything has it's time. For example, when she sleeps I can do my writing or meditating about my confusion. For now it is just what we are now.
       Ralph Smart said that a way to stop overthinking is to live in the present, and not worry.


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