Men and Women Differences

           I saw men and women differences today, when I got angry at my husband. My daughter was crying like crazy and not sleeping when I was trying to do a new method of putting her to sleep- not through rocking her and just listening to her. She had a lot of feelings and it flabbergasted me. I realized how deeply she feels. I saw her insecurity earlier, when I saw her standing shyly watching us. And when I asked her what she was looking at, she just copied me. SO anyway, she was not sleeping at all even though she was so tired, and I was frustrated.

        I told my husband, who did not have to take care of her at all, and he just said Aww in a frustrated manner. I got furious, and felt like he was feeling bad for himself too, when I did the work and he did nothing. I screamed at him that he didn't even help me so he had no right to feel annoyed. I was triggered in feeling used and like a maid. He was quiet, and I thought about it.

          I asked him why he answered that way, and he said that he was trying to show he cared. His initial reaction is to fix it, but he felt like he couldn't so he was trying to act the way he thought I wanted. I told him no, I just wanted him to acknowledge that it was hard for me, and not act like it was hard for him. Because it was about me now. He was silent. He finally admitted that he did that because he was trying to please me because of his codependency, but it was not right. Also, usually he would try to fix the situation for me, but he was upset that he couldn't fix it now.

         I also saw with Ollie Mathews, when we sent him a private video, I was looking for him empathy more and he was just giving his solutions and seemed annoyed to listen to my droning on and on. I felt stupid, but I realized that he had his own mindset and did not get me. And that's okay.

        Men need to feel like they are helpful, and women lean more towards being empathetic and comforting.


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