Parents Need To Get Along For Stability Of The Child

       Through the husband and wife respecting each other, a kid can get a sense of stability. When they fight, the kid feels unsure of her footing in the world. A kid needs to see that her parents are happy, and embrace the other side of them. Husband and wife are often duals, which means they have the qualities that the other lacks. If they can appreciate each other, they can become whole because they will want to learn from each other. This way, a kid can feel whole too because the parents will become whole.

             I see that when I don't feel whole, and feel fragmented, my daughter does not feel good either. Because I cannot be there for her properly, and mirror her. Because I do not see my own worth. If my husband and I were happier together, this would not happen. Since we do not see our worth, we cannot be useful for one another because we are looking to the other to be everything.

          However, we cannot be everything for one another because we are too different. We do not understand each other because of our differences, and get on each other's nerves at those times instead of appreciating a new approach to things.

          When we do get along, it is usually when we feel good and see our own qualities. We do not expect the other to bring them out of us, we do it ourselves. Such as when I am being creative and seeing my childhood pain that affected me, I feel good and proud of myself and can appreciate my husband, and maybe even validate his struggles with his own painful feelings. 


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