Pushing Through Darkness To See Light
I was really losing it. I have a hard time in this house to find love. Everything drains me. Try to go out as often as we can. Was in the trauma vortex because my toddler wouldn't sleep. She was upset because of the morning when my husband put her to sleep because I was impatient and antsy to begin our day, which was off to a rough start because she barely slept the night before. Because I was lazy and down. So I had no clue how to gain strength to see her emotions. I was in empty, exhausted. She didn't want to look at me. I remembered in the back of my head the Aware Parenting group on Facebook post about a 3 year old girl that was repressed in her feelings because her mother had been too busy for her, and she hinted to her mother by saying "you lost me" that they were not connected emotionally. It hurt me how the woman was struggling so much with it because of her own feeling disconnected from herself, so she couldn't handle her daughter feeling that way. A kind mother answered her that she hears how sad she sounds, and that perhaps if she took care of her own needs she would be able to help her daughter's more. She agreed, but said it was hard to see her needs because of guilt. Anyway, so I could not see my daughter's needs because of my emotional exhaustion. She was giggling nervously and running away from me. Suddenly, as I left her alone and tried to regain strength, she bit her lip and looked soo small and broken, my heart convulsed. I understood her feelings now, and felt more able to help her. I held her and watched her as she squirmed, not feeling so detached anymore. Perhaps I could really care about her feelings, it wasn't so impossible.
She teaches me how to connect to my feelings again, and not only be involved in pleasure and running from stress and pain. It's hard but worth it, because I gain wisdom of my own weaknesses, and am pushed to grow. Such as: I used to get angry at having to stay in bed with her and not being able to get out and eat my breakfast in mornings, but now I am happy to lay with her for longer and do not lose my temper. Sometimes, pushing through the cocoon is important in order to become the butterfly. Ha cliche as can be.
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