Children Know that their Mothers Love them by Instinct and can feel when something is Wrong

         I realized that when someone loves their child, it is felt by the child all the time even when they are not with them or seem upset at them. The child will get confused and scared when the parent screams at them or hurts them, but the love they felt will still be there. They will just feel their ground shaky. Unless there is ongoing abuse and no apology or reconcilation, in which the child will feel very low about himself and take in the shame that the parent thrusts on him. I noticed that when I am tired and ignore my daughter, out of stress, she feels it and gets scared but she still loves me. I guess because I never felt connected with my parents, I think that she doesn't feel it with me. But we have a deep bond. I am so lucky for this. It can teach me that love is possible. I think all the people who are chasing what they think love is, are really disillusioned because love is how their parent was supposed to feel towards them. They just need to realize what they lacked and build from there.

       G-d loves his children, all of us, and when we feel that connection it can never disappear. Just like a child feels the connection from his mother beating heart, and always knows she is there. A mother is built to love her offspring, and if she does not, it indicates a mental block. Coming from sickness. She needs to be cured emotionally. I am slowly being cured. 


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