Confidence in my Love

      Being a codependent, I used to be scared that other's didn't trust me when I said I loved them or they were family so I was supposed to love them, and used to think every action I did had to be perfect. But since it was not coming from me, it was only to prove myself to the outside, I was unsure of it so I felt others were unsure of it too. I got very sensitive when people I was attached to told me they didn't think I cared, because I missed a phone call or did not initiate enough. Now, I have more confidence and how I feel is key, so if I know I love someone I don't have to prove it to them, I just do things nice or loving for them for myself. This way, I am less insecure and I know it is an action I took part in, and am confident they see that. Such as with my husband, I know he knows I'm there for him, so I feel comfortable taking times to do things I need for myself without worry that he will feel unloved. This is how we need to feel to get places in life- that we matter and are connected to others all the time. That way we feel supported as human, and are able to succeed.


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