Fragmentation in Relationships and Magnetism

                 We are attracted to what we repress in ourselves in relationships, Teal Swan says in Fragmentation and Relationships - LA Synchronization Workshop - Teal Swan. She says that when a person represses anger in himself, he will automatically attract a person who is full of anger, because that is the part of him that he cannot own. Therefore, it will be his "opposite" manifesting in the outward reality. People who are extreme in one way usually repress the other part of themselves, but they still have it in them. When they walk away from a relationship because they cannot take the other person's extremeness, they are rejecting that feeling in themselves, so it will get worst and separate from them further.

            I see this in how I reject my daughter's neediness, because I have it in myself. I am hoping that I will be able to love her despite her neediness, and accept all the sides of her. She says that relationships do not have a spark or magnetism once people are healed and integrated, and they are open to all emotions. I see this with my husband, we both get really angry at each other and rejecting when one gets angry, or depressed, and it is because we do not face the pain in ourselves enough. When we do work on it and accept the emotions, we are understanding and loving of each other and there is neutrality in the relationship, but inner happiness.


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