Subconscious Recreating Painful Situations to Heal

          I read that toddlers when they need to cry, may recreate situations where they get punished because they need to cry to heal their past hurts, so they misbehave in chapter 6 of The Aware Baby. They are trying to release their pain in a backhand way, and it works. Children can heal in their own ways, and just because they are really upset and you feel angry at them, they can overcome their pain. I spiral when I think that my daughter is damaged, but kids are more resilient than we think. It is just projection from my own pain.

          This is interesting, because grown-ups do this as well to relieve their pain. Teal Swan says in her latest video about how people do not want to be self-destructive, that sometimes when we cannot get things done even though we want to, it is because a part of us is scared and unsure so does not want to take a risk of failing in it. This is what happens to me a lot, why I was never able to get into normal healthy relationships, and always felt drawn to hurtful, unseeing people. It was because I was scared of abandonment, as I was programmed to feel from my childhood. Richard Grannon said that the reason we get with narcissists in our life is because this is our child self that is trying to get us healed. Until we feel healed and confidence in deserving good things, we cannot manifest that in our lives.


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