They Want you Dead Inside so they can get you

       They don't want you to love yourself. They want you to be beaten down until you have no self-worth. They hate spontaneity. They hate feelings. They want everything to be predictable and orderly, so they can CONTROL it all. They are terrified of their own pain. They think it will kill them. So they do everything to pretend they have control. But it's all an illusion. The truth is that we are not in control. We do not even know what our lives will bring tomorrow. We do not know when we will die. All we have is ourselves, our unconditional love. We have G-d and an ability to turn to him. We cannot do it alone. But we do have a right to love ourselves, and listen to our soul's music. Even if that means it is in pain and shackled. We can still follow it and live in light. The narcissistic predators of the world will always try to make you feel bad about yourself and dead inside. You are alive, so shine your light. Whoever is reading this and wants to be free. No body has the right to hurt you, and make you feel dejected. You can only let in what you feel is true. Don't let the evil make you feel worthless. You are always worthy if you believe it. Everyone has a spark inside that wants good, a part of G-dliness. Let yourself believe in it, and it will grow. If you nurture it daily, never giving up. I see how I became stronger and stronger, that where I was 2 years ago would never have been able to do the things I do daily now. Such as believing in myself, ignoring the opposition, having confidence, and loving patience for my daughter this way. I created it, all alone. With G-d watching and waiting patiently as I weeded out my mess. Hopefully I will only grow more now. G-d knows I need to. 


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