How We Feel Projecting Onto Others

We have to be mindful of how we feel, because we project it onto others. If we feel we are not enough, we will not be able to see others as enough. We will give of a low-energy vibe and people will feel bad about themselves around us, because of the way we see ourselves.

Ancestry Genetics can also play a part, because it can be passed down in our genes to feel bad about ourselves due to what our grandparents went through. If we pay attention to that, we will know what it stems from and be able to adjust of thinking.

In turn, if we feel flawed, we will feel overwhelmed by others and feel the need to fix them. That is why interactions are a burden sometimes- because we are trying too hard to fix others. If we let them be, and not feel responsible for their actions that we cannot control, we will be able to enjoy them more.


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