I Matter, How Energetic Waves Affect People

I am learning that I make a difference and matter even though all my life I have been taught that I don't, through being adopted and a "pet" not deserving to feel my feelings, and feeling again and again like a second class citizen. I see it all around me now how other people feel unworthy and like they are separate from other people, because I no longer feel like that is my normal, so I see how other people feel it more clearly and I feel bad for them. Once you are out of something, you see it more clearly and prevalent in others. It drives me crazy all day because I want to teach them the way to change.

I saw today how a woman was enmeshed in a store when she asked her coworker like a child, "What should I eat for lunch?" And she was told, "A salad." Promptly. As if this grown woman was her mother. And then I realized people take this so casually, not seeing how strange it is. When people do not know how to make their own decisions and rely haphazardly on their friends to tell them how to live. That is what happens when people become friends with someone- they become fused together and develop a route of "dance" based on expectations of how they see one another. This is why it is so crucial to be around healthy people.

So anyway, I see that I make an imprint on everyone and my confidence level is visible. I have been experiencing hollow disconnection all of my life from peers and everyone, and now I am working to have the opposite because that is what I want. The brain can be rewired by neuroplasticity, so what I have been trained to feel with others can change. With discernment and study I can change how I experience others. It is exciting but terrifying when I see many people who are unconscious and living separately from other humans, just like I used to. I need to remove myself from their unhealthiness. Because as I know, people affect you through energetic fields, and it is important to protect one's energy.

The fact is, that we pick up on all the energy of people around us, and even if one thinks they are alone and no one cares, everyone can experience your feelings that you put out, good or bad.

I think by knowing this, I will be able to be more sensitive to others and know that they are affected by me as well. This will make me less selfish and self-involved. The world needs this, so that people can be healed and spread their love. I will also be able to mean what I say, and be more affective in parenting and relationships as well, by being able to voice my needs. :)


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