My Daughter is Okay, My Mood Affects Her

Wrote this two days ago because my laptop stopped working. Have a lot to catch up on.

I realized that my daughter knows she is loved and is confident. She wants to learn new things and takes out toys to play by herself. She understands what I feel, that she be herself and be happy. It is only when I force her to look at me that she gets mad, because she is not ready to face me so intimately for whatever reason. But she is still a happy kid regardless. I think I don't see that usually because I am always looking at the worst case scenario. But because I show her love and don't force her to do everything like other parents, she feels happy a lot. Fortunately.


I see how she gets affected by my moods, and I project my feelings onto her. Such as this morning, when I was itchy to get going to the mall, I was stressed because my head and Stomach hurt for some reason, and so I was seeing her as stressed. She in turn, was acting nervous and demanding, "song" more than usual. I fretted that she was obsessed, and calmed down when I realized that I needed to change my mood so I could deal with her. I realize that since she is so small, she needs grownups to take care of her, and therefore of course she will feel in danger and needs t feel that they are okay and happy to be there for her. She knows she is dependent on me, and therefore I need to let her know that she can trust in me.


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