I was put in foster care after my birth, and adopted at 3 months old. I am also Jewish and was raised Orthodox. This is my healing journey.
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Stop the blame on others for their weaknesses it is always from childhood dysfunction and they were groomed that way. Until they wake up and are aware of how to change you can't blame them.
There is nothing without love. Life starts within the mother’s womb, where she and her child are one. She is all he knows, and he needs her to develop his emotional brain, until he can become an autonomous self. Therefore, why are the role of women so inferior in society? They basically make up a human’s development of skills, true self-worth (that they are loved by another person), and growth potential. Nancy Verrier says in Coming Home to Self that the experiences we have during the first three years of life “play a big part in our overall attitudes and beliefs” (Page 382). Personally I felt beaten down a lot, in my emotional body and ability to use my strengths of giving love. I feel like a shadow of a person, in this world, my skills and worth invisible to myself and to everyone else. This has to do with my suffering from the primal wound of being relinquished from my biological mother, and then adopted when I was a few months old. Verrier states, “Severing of the bond wit...
The funny thing is all the relatives come running together when a funeral happens. Even though they are not close. It is all in the sake of guilt and Mommy -Daddy love. But they never truly felt loved. So they grasp at straws, not realizing that it is not there. It is a codependency thing, from being raised that way. To be a pawn for their needy parents. And they show it to their own kids, always letting themselves fly with their emotions. Hysterical crying, huge drama letups, screaming about silly things their kids do... It is so childish. My older cousin boasted and blew up about how her kids tried to make her feel better the morning after she had been sobbing over her grandfather's death, so they made her a breakfast and wrote in the card, "(Grandfather) he died, do not cry. Have a good day." Maybe I am paranoid, but it felt to me like the kids were playing the role of parenting their parent. Because they needed to grow up quickly. You always find a hollowness in their...
I just don't know. I have a choice. I don't know why I married him. I do not feel happy here at all. Like I would much rather be alone and not see his sad bleep anymore. It's not that I hate him or don't care, it's just that I had enough. I feel like I have taken all that I could and now I ran out of space. The Rabbi asked, would you rather be alone the rest of your life than be married to him. That is a tricky question. So tricky. I do not know if my mind is playing games with me. But my heart is screaming. I FEEL LOST. Here's the thing. I feel like I married him to prove to myself that my feelings didn't matter. I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and I needed to shut down the hurt part of me, so I married someone who would never trigger it. I knew he was safe. But I locked away that pained side of me, and now it just feels abandoned, and I need to let it out. So I must break away from him. Because he does not know how to see it, as I pick...
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