A Daughter That Reminds Me Of My Feelings

I love when my daughter screams and cries it shows me her true feelings and that she is not scared to express it. She is not repressed. She is not like the other children, she does not sit idly and wait for grownups to take care of her. Her biggest annoyance is when she can't join in to what I am doing. She wants independence so much. I have to comb through her frustrations with her every day, to release her tension at having been ignored or felt less worthy than me. I feel so bad for all the times I made her feel this way. By speaking to her without monitoring my tone, making her feel disrespected.

I love the way she smiles and squeals with laughter when I act silly with her. It is creativity that she understands. She reminds me so of myself the way she is trying to figure out her world. When I was young I did the same thing- wondering why the objects fell behind the bed and trying to "find" them again and again. I think instinctively I was looking for my hurts to heal them. She does too I think.


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