Energy Affects And Comes Through

Scary how people do not see other's feelings and call them selfish. Or egotistical and bad. When these people are in pain and looking for a way out. Whenever we are unaccepting of another person's pain or feeling it is because we do not accept it in ourselves. Lisa Romano put a beautiful post about it on Facebook, how she saw a homeless man and wondered what he felt about himself and how others saw him. And that she felt connected to him but wondered what made him go down that path. I feel the same about my biological parents, how was I able to stay somewhat afloat while they gave up on themselves? Different circumstances....

I hope I can learn to accept many people. Today I accepted a lot in my thoughts and prayers.

I am not trying to be overly religious, I am just trying to practice loving myself and accepting the states I am in. I feel pain and it makes it hard to see others at times.

It was funny, when my mother called me today. I slowly told her bits about my life, because she was interested. I let her in on some of the beauty of my life, and she was visibly impressed and awed. She did try her people fixing at one point when I told her the first cousin on ancestry that I found does not want to help me figure out how I am related to her so that I can discover my grandfather, saying that "oh she probably does not want her peaceful life interrupted." I jut in gently, "I want to find my birth grandfather, Mom.." She quickly gathered her senses and saw my feelings, "Yes you are right I understand!" It takes effort for her to care about Me more than a stranger sometimes. Because she is so codependent and needs to fix others.

But that's okay, my world view is opening up to see her issues and not judge. Sometimes we do not realize how much our tones and thoughts get through to others.

That is why we need to be sensitive to truly SEE the other person and understand them. They CAN feel when we do not, it comes through in body language and

I don't let myself fall to her seeming uncaring about me. I know her issues, therefore I can move past it. I have held my pain and dealt with it before she called so I was not caught up in frenzy.

Actually, Who knows maybe it did hurt me more. Sometimes pain surprises me with the ptsd and a lifetime of pretending it was not there. Got to protect my broken heart.


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