Masculinity and Femininity Need To Support One Another

I was wondering why my marriage is not really synching. Ralph Smart said in yesterday's video about how to awaken the masculine and feminine divinity in us, that men and women have to develop both masculine and feminine sides to support their own sides. So, masculine aspects are support and building or something, while feminine are unity and creativity. So the feminine is good at healing which create unity, and loving all equally because she is the mother of all humans that she creates. This means she can be non judgemental... Something a lot of women have to work on. Then we can have and give love and unity.

The masculine side is focused on a goal that it builds in the physical world. It also supports the family.

Both sides need the other in order to fully manifest themselves. Therefore the feminine needs support in order to be able to create, and focus in order to heal and create unity in the world. The masculine needs to have nurturing and unity in order to focus and manifest his goal.

This makes me feel more useful and important. I have ability to nurture and heal feelings, and promote creativity by being non judgemental and open minded. I see how my husband needs this because he can be too focused. But I see the good in him as well, how he can be supportive to me. I need to develop the support in myself to hold my feelings. He needs to heal and nurture his own feelings better.

When I see him objectively I know he is very different from me and I don't judge him for being weak in ways I am better. I guess we both need to strengthen our confidence in what we are good at...


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