Actions Do Matter

It hit me. When people feel shamed for their egos in childhood, they have shame and can't feel fulfilled in adulthood... But this is masked as "bad behaving" and "evil inclination." We have to stop shaming ourselves for trying to get seen, and let ourselves be seen. The only way we can climb higher is first by getting through the first steps. Feeling alive and normal. Without this everything is fake and won't feel right. I keep running from feeling bad about myself that the pain is stuck there. When I acknowledge my true traits and do not judge them, I can be happy. Such as my neediness and feeling empty so need to fill up my time with distractions. It is not shameful, when I learn about the reason for my pain and my trauma. It lets me breathe and accept myself. When I do not acknowledge my true level, I shame myself for "not doing enough" and do not see the good in any actions I did or do. First, I need to feel good and see the good actions I did in my life, and that they are not going away. Then I can do more good.

I realized that although my adoptive parents raised me with selfish purposes in it, they still gave to me and I wouldn't be here without them. So the actions are extremely important no matter what the intention is. In the end, the actions are what's left forever. Thoughts are temporary.


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