Aware Parenting and Letting Your Kid Feel Confident

I saw how my daughter needs independence yesterday and literally will not listen if she feels diminished in who she is. She needs to feel like a person and it helps me focus on myself and not cater to her too much. It feels true. The Continuum Concept says this, but the playing with your kids in Aware Parenting takes away from it a bit because it says you should get on to your child's level.

I think getting down to your kid's level is important to show them you see them. See and feel their emotions so they connect with you. I do this sometimes, when I act silly with her and pretend to be hurt. I do it naturally. Such as when I pretend her scratch hurt me yesterday when I was tense. She loved that and played it again. I laughed too and saw how funny it was. She was a cute little kid hurting a grown up.


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