Conflict comes from Separation from other's POV

Teal Swan says if you agree to disagree and don't try to see the other person's side, that is the definition of not caring.

That is why whenever my husband and I fight, and I say forget it, it is truly because I can't stand his side. I feel so exasperated by his "ignorance" of what I deem is true, that I just disconnect from him. We are both fully disconnected from one another, living entirely in our own egos. Trapped in hell, in restricted viewpoints unable to see the other side. To see how the other is feeling. Because if we do, we feel we will lose our own identities. But he could not handle me withdrawing myself from him, even for a few minutes, so he begged me, "why can't you see what I mean..." So I folded, very gingerly, and tried to have compassion. I asked myself why I could not stand to see his inability to deal with his insecurities around being honest with his parents about their overbearingness on him, and saw that it threatened me because I needed to feel like my own person and could not stand others being enmeshed. He sadly said he did know his family was abusive to his development, and I was appeased.


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