
Broiling emotions. Came back from the meeting with Zara Phillips which my husband drove me to, and we were late to. It was eye opening to see how small I felt around people who actually got me. I saw myself for real in my wound. interesting how I met the one person from the documentary about adoptees who inspired me. Zara was so gracias and kind it was a dream. Like I was important.

I feel sad a bit today out of bearings. On top of the world but shot down now. Tired. Richard Grannon life show was amazing, about how codependents need to do the work themselves. Feel worried about not changing. I took it out on my husband but really I don't know who I am. So I see his complacency and blame it on him. Things just happen at times and we have no control over it. Admitting that I am clueless helps me relax.


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