Accepting One Another

People are all parts of one another. I was thinking about it as I walked down the street on this beautiful day. If only I had more friends... But then I realized that being alone sure helped me process my thoughts and have a clearer mind of what I want, which I so need after all my years of being controlled by what others thought. I am free and unshackled to be myself. I enjoy my own company, thinking about the future and how I hope to raise my daughter in a way that she will be proud and pleased with me.

I have a choice of who to befriend. I have a choice of who to give my attention to, and for what. I try to see the good in people. This one may dress too stylishly, or seem ignorant about her bad actions, but then again she is human and at least she is trying to live productively. I look away and shoot worrying looks at the crying infants, hoping that at least my interest in them can help them in their growing emotional awareness. It brings me sadness and I think of how I can make a change.

I see a black woman in the store obviously babysitting another's child,  and I admire her scarf on her head. I tell her and she beams into a big smile and compliments mine back. I feel fixed a bit, and mark how ironic it is that my own peers do not get to exchange these sentiments with me. 

I feel that if we women can be less judgemental of one another, as women are good at, we can be a lot more connected and live peacefully. So many are afraid of what others would think, and walk around lost in their fear and insecurity. I want to make a change.


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