Aware Parenting and Toddler moving Away from Mom

Went out to the Library with my girl. I noticed her playing with other kids when I wasn't watching. She tried to get to know them and handed them a teddy bear for the other little one to give one back. They traded back and forth for a while and she said, "Hug." It was cute to see her moving from being only attached to me. Maybe this is what I needed to do- let her be herself. I feel constrained when I play with her all the time. I busied myself looking for a book. Ironically I found one about moving and it's perfect to prepare her for our move so I will take it. Now I know why I am so stressed out when we go to the library- because I constrict myself to her level and try to play with her but honestly she needs to see that she can play with other people- her age.

Additionally, I noted something interesting as I was again reluctant to return the book we had had for 2 weeks. I was worrying that she would feel sad that it was no longer with us, and have separation anxiety about books in the future. I laughed when I theorized that this verdict was coming out of my own abandonment issues from adoption, but then it hit me like a lightbulb that it was true. Kids are not attached to their books, unless they are insecure about attachments in general... Wow deep. I need to get out more lol.


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