Attunement with Daughter in Aware Parenting

This morning after a tiring night, I had revelations about myself that I am not so bad after all, and many people look up to me. I was so happy that I stayed up and got a bit sick from lack of enough sleep and my drama last night. I cried yesterday from the fear that I was not doing enough for her, and that she was hurting from me not being there for her. The self hate was overwhelming, and I said my affirmations but they made me sadder instead of safer.

Today was a great day compared. I looked out for her and actually ran my day around her feelings. So I realized that she needed that and it made her feel good about herself, to know that she had a say. I think she feels too controlled sometimes when I force her to go out and walk with me, so she refuses to listen. She is at the age... So I made sure she chose to go out, and checked with her when we stopped in the street. She was delighted to walk around with me in the store, and held my hand a lot. She loves people and watching.


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