How Shame Makes Us Repress Our Energy

I know why we repress our true selves and try to be like our opposite gender. It comes from shame in childhood, learning that who you are; your core self is shameful. This was why I hated being seen as weak or too feminine, because I thought feelings were atrocious because of how I felt when I had them. So I though outwardly everyone wanted me to be the opposite of that- masculine and "cool." Meanwhile my true self was in exile. I am female and much better at being that. Lol.

I was watching a Youtube video by Luxx Health where she was talking about femininity and energy. I loved it because it was so resonating with my own feelings. That feminine energy is playful, fun, creative, and sensual. I am all those things. And I see more and more that it is great to be myself and I don't get bothered by those who shame me.

In addition, I see how masculine people who learned they were shameful also try to be feminine to cover up theo true selves. Such as my husband. They think that is what is wanted of them. When really masculinity is an okay quality. In fact as she said, the two need one another and that is why they attract. A marriage needs polarity in order to grow.


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